Enjoying Watching ‘The Expanse’ – Gripping Humanist Sci-Fi


The Expanse screen capture: Naomi Nagata played by Dominique Tipper

A short post today to say that for the past couple months, I have really enjoyed watching a science fiction TV show called The Expanse.

I first read about the TV show via a social media post by comics artist Gene Ha. My wife and I started watching. It took a couple episodes for me to warm up to it, then I could barely stop watching. There are plenty of cliffhanger endings that beg the viewer to keep watching.

The first season is very good, and the second is much better. I have now watched all of the episodes available (two seasons) twice through. Tomorrow night is the premiere of season 3.

There’s a lot to like in The Expanse: world-building (a seemingly believable future, only two centuries away, with relatively accurate science), inter-planetary class politics, kick-ass strong women, great pacing… but I think it most comes down to an ensemble cast that are people who I have come to care about.

There is a phenomenal scene (at the end of episode 12 of season 2) that is so poignant, so bold, so fraught, that it made me sob with tears – both times I watched it. I don’t want to spoil it… but the character Naomi Nagata (above) makes a courageous choice – and the results really showcase humanity, leadership, empathy, hope. My eyes are getting wet as I replay the interactions in my head.

The TV show is based on a series of books, which I am looking forward to reading soon.

I highly recommend watching The Expanse.

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