Posts Tagged ‘spelling’


27 May 2012

subtitled: How Comic Books Made A Spelling Champ Out Of Me

Panel from Marvel Comics’ The Avengers No. 133, March 1975 – written by Steve Engelhart, art by Sal Buscema

As I wrote about briefly here, I started reading a lot of comic books starting around the 4th Grade and lasting until, oh, late this morning.

The comics series that I more-or-less most into early on were the Avengers and Spider-Man. Now these are both hit movies. Both of these I would collect via on-going (new) series and via their reprint titles Marvel Triple Action and Marvel Tales, respectively.

About a year ago, I moved my ~4,000 issue comic book collection from my brother Matt’s garage to my place. This probably wasn’t wise, because instead of letting them remain untouched by human hands, I’ve been re-reading nearly all of them. Unfortunately most of the issues, including most of the Avengers, don’t hold as much interest for me as they did in their day. Though I then eagerly bought new issues and sought out back issues of the Avengers… today I re-read them and it seems like a great deal of the plotting is pretty flimsy, and most of the art is unremarkable.

Nonetheless I think they were a good influence on me at the time.  (more…)

Spelling Fail – CHILDERN

30 April 2011

maybe that's where slow childern go

Spelling fail spotted on Vermont Avenue just north of Sunset Boulevard last night. “Childern” should of course be “children.” I am a harsh proofreader and felt compelled to photograph and post this… though it’s actually not a big deal. It’s probably “close enough for government work” as the joke goes.